two old strips with 2 panels each
1) Useful advice:
Never ask bearded guys with pointed hats if they have a lighter
- Hey dude, do you have a light?*
- ?
*In Greek: got fire?
2) There's a good chance they're wizards...
...and they don't want to be bothered.
1) When you are about to swim, don't test if the water is cold with your toes.
2) It tickles.
two old strips with 2 panels each
1) Useful advice:
Never ask bearded guys with pointed hats if they have a lighter
- Hey dude, do you have a light?*
- ?
*In Greek: got fire?
2) There's a good chance they're wizards...
...and they don't want to be bothered.
1) When you are about to swim, don't test if the water is cold with your toes.
2) It tickles.
Εγώ μια φορά ζήτησα φωτιά από έναν μουσάτο, αλλά είχε μόνο πυρ εξώτερον να μου δώσει, επειδή ήταν παπάς… Αλλά ξέχασα: εκείνος δεν φορούσε μυτερό καπέλο! Χαζός που είμαι…
Ήθελα να ήξερα ποιος έβαλε το πόδι του στην θάλασσα της Σουμάτρας τον Δεκέμβριο του 2004 κι έγινε ότι έγινε! Και τι νούμερο παπούτσι να φορούσε αυτός ο άνθρωπος πια!
Α, χα.
Χα, χα, χα.